Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday , June 9th, 2010
Planning Board Members Present: Gale LaBelle, Martin Schlanger, Ann Krawet, Stanley Oransky, Robert Ronzio.
Planning Board Members Absent: Barbara Stuhlman
Members of the public present: Pranam Lipinski, Charles Ciecko, George Roberts.
Meeting called to order: 7:07 pm
Review and acceptance of Meeting Minutes from Wednesday, May 12th, 2010- Martin Schlanger makes a motion to accept meeting minutes as presented, Stanley Oransky seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Planning Board Re-organization:
Chairperson- Martin Schlanger nominates Gale LaBelle for the Chairperson position; Ann Krawet seconds nomination; Unanimous Approval.
Vice Chairperson- Martin Schlanger nominates Ann Krawet for the vice chairperson ; Stanley Oransky seconds nomination; Unanimous Approval.
Clerk- Stanley Oransky nominates Martin Schlanger for the clerk position; Robert Ronzio seconds nomination, Unanimous Approval.
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission- Ms. Ann Krawet advises that she feels that Gale LaBelle is doing a good job and should remain in the current position, Martin Schlanger seconds; Ms. LaBelle agrees to accept the nomination and remain in the position.
Public Hearing- Peter Wallach, individually and as Manager of Becket Highlands LLC-263
Tyringham Road Map 404 lots 49.0-49.4, requesting a special permit for a common driveway.
Ms. LaBelle reads aloud a letter received from Mr. Charles Ferris, attorney to Mr. Peter Wallach, requesting that may be allowed to withdraw without prejudice. Mr. Oransky makes a motion to allow applicant to withdraw without prejudice, Mr. Schlanger seconds motion; Unanimous Approval ( Mr. Robert Ronzio abstains)
Public Hearing- Michael Murray / Uncle Larry’s Tavern, Map 414 lot 38, Special Permit requested.
Hearing opens at 7:20 pm
Ms. LaBelle opens meeting and advises that the hearing is being held in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A and the New By-Laws of the Town of Becket. A decision to issue a special permit requires a minimum of four positive votes from the five member board. Ms. LaBelle goes on to advise that the board has 90 days to make a decision after the close of a public hearing and 14 days to file the paperwork with the Town Clerk once a decision is made. Any Appeals of decisions must be made pursuant to Section 17, MGL 40A as amended, and must be filed within 20 days after the date of filing of the decision with the Town Clerk. Ms. LaBelle goes on to introduce board members present.
Ms. LaBelle reads the application received aloud and confirms that all fees have been paid and all posting and advertising done timely; secretary confirms. Ms. LaBelle advises applicants that she would like to speak with counsel before any decision is rendered. Ms. LaBelle asks Mr. Charles Ciecko, the applicant’s architect to approach the board. Mr. Ciecko approaches the board and introduces himself . He presents photographs of the sign that currently exists outside the Tavern. Mr. Ciecko explains that the light will shine directly down on the sign, not onto the building, advising it will not light up the neighborhood. Mr. Ronzio asks if the sign will be illuminated on both sides, Mr. Ciecko replies yes. Mr. Schlanger asks if there will be anything on the building, Mr. Ciecko assures him nothing on the
Ms. LaBelle polls the board for a vote:
Mr. Stanley Oransky makes a motion to allow the use of two electric lights in existing sign. Lights to be directed down, illuminating the sign only.
Mr. Martin Schlanger seconds motion; Uanimous Approval.
Gale LaBelle- Approve
Stanley Oransky-Approve
Robert Ronzio- Approve
Martin Schlanger-Approve
Ann Krawet- Approve
Barbara Stuhlman-Approve
Part 2 of Application-
Build two apartments in part of existing building-
Mr. Ciecko explains to the board members present that Mr. and Mrs. Murray wish to make two apartments in the existing building available. Mr. Ciecko advises that there will be no change to the footprint of the building and further explains that this space was previously used by hunters. Mr. Schlanger asks how many rooms currently exist. Mr. Ciecko advises that there are 8 small rooms. Ms. LaBelle states that she has checked with the assessors office and was informed that the property has been taxed as a bar for the last 15 years. Mr. Murray adds that the rooms are separated by a 3 foot firewall.
Ms. LaBelle states that she would like some evidence that the space was once used as a legal residence. Mr. Schlanger if there is an entrance from the bar . Mr. Murray explains that there used to be until the firewall was put in.
Board members discuss bringing the current situation to BRPC to get some advice. Mr. Ciecko offers to accompany Ms. LaBelle to BRPC and offers her any assistance she may need. Ms. LaBelle again states that she would feel better if she had legal counsel.
Ms. Ann Krawet advises that in Mr. Bobrowski’s manual this situation is addressed. She brings the point of whether the apartments would be considered a customary accessory use to a bar.
Mr. George Roberts explains that the property used to be a big Inn, with a dance floor, bar area, separated by firewalls , he states that the only thing permanent is the bar with the two adjacent buildings.
Mr. Oransky makes a motion to have Gale LaBelle, as chairperson of the board, to bring the proposition of permitting and code, only thing approved was the nightclub,rest of building which is contiguous , has not been used for anything in three years or more. Mr. Ciecko and Ms. LaBelle to meet later for an info. swap. Mr. Martin Schlanger seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Ms. LaBelle makes a motion to continue hearing until July 14th at 7:00 pm. Mr. Robert Ronzio seconds motion, unanimous approval.
Ms. Ann Krawet requests to have the opinion of an attorney.
Form A- Pranam Lipinski –Map 414 lot 38- Property located on Brooker Hill and McNerney Road.
Mike Parsons presents . Mike explains that his client owns 16 acres of land. Mike explains his client wishes to divide his current parcel into 6 parcels, ranging from 2 ½ acres to 3 acres, all having more than 200 feet of road frontage. Ms. Krawet asks if there are any wetlands. Mr. Parsons explains that as far as he knows, there are none, advising that most of the land is high and dry. Mr. Ronzio confirms with Mr. Parsons that all of the parcels have been perked. Ms. LaBelle polls board members for a vote. Board members unanimously vote to approve.
Informational Packets for Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival are handed out to board members.
Budget-Read and Reviewed
Correspondence- Read and Reviewed
Schedule next meeting for Wednesday, July 14th, 2010.
Mr. Stanley Oransky makes a motion to adjourn, Martin Schlanger seconds motion. Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed_____________________________ Date________________
Gale LaBelle
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Martin Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ann Krawet
Signed ______________________________ Date________________
Stanley Oransky
Signed ________________________________ Date_________________
Robert Ronzio